Trivia Night Is Coming!!
It came so quickly, but RIMTA’s fourth Trivia Night is scheduled for Thursday, March 29, at Chelo’s on Post Road in Warwick (near TF Green Airport). Anyone who has attended one will tell you how much fun it is, and there is no fee to play. Players don’t have to be RIMTA members of even teachers! Bring your friends (limit of 6 people per team) or come alone and join a team. You can catch up with old friends, and you may even win a gift card for being on the high scoring team! The fun and games begin at 6:30, but feel free to come early to get a seat or socialize.
If you are planning on going, could you please complete the RSVP included in this email? If you aren’t sure you are going and you do not respond, you are still welcome to come and play. The more, the merrier!!
On the day of the contest, we will post the answer to one of the questions on our Twitter feed @rimtamath. Be sure to check it out.
See you there,
Steve Levesque