Dear RIMTA Member,
It’s hard to believe, but the end of the school year is almost here! You worked so hard this year planning lessons, grading papers, and generally doing all you could to ensure that every child gets the math education he or she needs and deserves. So let’s celebrate...together! Join us on Friday “Math-ternoon”, June 15, at the Hot Club (25 Bridge St., Providence, RI 02903) for our year-ending Merry Math Social. Come and relax in a casual and fun setting while taking in the view of the Providence skyline (OK, and the power plant, too).
There is no registration fee, but if you are going, please RSVP. The good times start at 3:00, but feel free to show up whenever you can. Once you get there, stay as long as you’d like.
Hope to see you there!
Steve Levesque
RIMTA President