Rhode Island
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oUR LATEST NEWS: RIMTA has LOTS to offer for 2024*Learning Access and Equity in Math Teaching Virtual Series - FREE and open to anyone! - next session is March 13 so register today! * Building Elementary Numeracy and Fluency: Addition and Subtraction with Ann Elise Record - workshop series held at Winman Middles School in Warwick - you've only missed one session. Registration is available until March 6 (next session is March 7)! * RIMTA's SPRING MEETING "Seeing Every Learner" Keynote Kyndall Brown - Saturday, March 23, 2024 at East Providence High School -REGISTER NOW! . . . CONGRATULATIONS TO THE 2023 RIMTA AWARDEES Student of the Year: Lexi, Mt. St. Charles Academy Rookie Teacher of the Year: Chelsea O'Connor, Samuel Slater Middle School Teacher of the Year: Nicholas Horne, Burrillville High School Amedeo DeRobbio Award: Vivian LaFerla Thanks to all those who attended or supported the RIMTA Spring Conference with Mike Steele RIMTA BLOG - Check out the latest news, lessons and resources from RIMTA (Our Blog will replace our newsletter). ATMNE has a new digital presence. Visit ATMNE at their new website or on Facebook or follow ATMNE on Twitter @ATMNEmath! OTHER NEWS and EVENTS in the REGION https://sites.google.com/view/atmnemath/home
Visit the new ATMNE website at https://sites.google.com/rsu24.org/atmneorg/home
When you join RIMTA, you automatically become a member of the Association of Teachers of Mathematics in New England (ATMNE). ATMNE members receive two annual newsletters, the New England Mathematics Journal (NEMJ), invitations to regional conferences and more. All ATMNE publications have gone GREEN so make sure you keep your e-mail up to date.
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